National Research University
The National Research University status is associated with its guiding strategy – the Program “Environmental Management: Forecasting Technology and the Management of Natural and Socio-Economic Systems”. The Program is meant to create conditions for interdisciplinary scientific research aimed at preservation of resources and their competent use. To perform these tasks individual scholars and scientific schools are employed in collaboration with leading international institutions.
The National Research University World Labs include:
- “Information Technologies in Prognosis Activity and Socio-Economic Development Management”;
- “Prognosis Modeling and Process Management in Ecosystems”;
- “Physical and Chemical Issues at Rational Use of Natural Resources”;
- Multiple-Access Research Center;
- “Microbial and Cell Biotechnologies”.
The Scientific Research Division covers:
- assistance at fundamental and applied research;
- design and experimental, research and scientific, academic and tutorial services;
- cooperation of researchers from various University departments and labs with the real sector of economy, the Russian Academy of Sciences’ branches and academic community;
- seven labs, four centers and three institutes.
The Academic Research Division coordinates projects with the Russian Academy of Sciences. An example is a set of environmental technologies for remediation of oil-contaminated ecosystems built in partnership with the Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganisms. As a result, nonpathogenic antibacterial-based biocatalysts were introduced for effective elimination of highly concentrated oil pollution.
Annually, the University research teams carry out more than 400 competitive projects, research and technology programs – funded by the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation, the Russian Science Foundation and science foundations worldwide. The University extensively develops cooperation with industries and business.
The University researchers in humanities are widely known among Russian and foreign scholars. Annually in the summertime the Kama Archaeological Expedition goes for excavation of Permian antiquities, searching for evidences and discovering artifacts of days bygone. The University Linguistic School, one of the best in Russia, boasts its research in the field of cognitive linguistics and the study of the phenomenon of metaphor.
Cooperation with Industrial Enterprises:
- In cooperation with the Prognoz International IT-company the University performs comprehensive analysis of social and economic development – using economic and mathematical models to forecast business and administrative climate in the Russian Federation and worldwide.
- In cooperation with the Perm Scientific-Industrial Instrument Engineering Company the University develops the baseline technology and prototype production of photonic integrated circuits for devices, systems and networks of optoelectronic navigation.

Innovations and the Mozgovo Innovations Center
The Mozgovo (“Braintown”, “Think Tank”) Innovation Center implements the University policy of transforming inventive academic activity into business-oriented projects. The Centre aims at planning and creating a strategy of innovation as a part of the compound University strategy till 2020. The strategy will help the University to form the “innovation dream”, set goals for future changes, choose directions of inventive activities, create practical tools for their implementation in future.
Areas of Startups’ Support:
- Information Technologies;
- Big Data;
- Engineering;
- Pharmaceutics;
- Medicine;
- Instrumentation Technologies;
- Composite materials;
- Agriculture;
- Geological Exploration;
- Foodservice Industry;
- Entertainment Industry;
- Education.
The Institute of Natural Sciences
Founded in 1921, the Institute of Natural Sciences is the oldest among the Russian Scientific Research Institutes in the system of higher education. The Institute staff are involved in exploring environmental issues relevant to Perm krai and Russia.
The directions of the institute activity include:
- International research cooperation in geology, ecology, biology and chemistry;
- Search and development of promising innovative technologies, including mining and geological production;
- Exploration of new research areas and foundation of new scientific schools in ecology, geology, biology and chemistry.